Audrey Woodley

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5 Entrepreneurial Lifestyle Tips to Building Good Health and Wellness

I am someone who runs multiple businesses and I can’t express the importance of prioritizing building good health and wellness while living the entrepreneurial lifestyle. I learned that having an active mind and body are essential to running a successful business. 

Entrepreneurs with multi-passionate goals need a high level of energy and the only way to fuel that energy is to fuel your health and wellness. Burnout is a serious thing and takes a toll on your mental health, how you operate your business or how you treat others.

The Entrepreneurial lifestyle isn’t easy, otherwise everyone would be doing it. It can trigger huge amounts of stress to those who don’t even consider prioritizing their personal health and wellness goals. 

Before I begin, if you are serious about prioritizing your health and wellness, you love these Total Life Changing health and wellness products that you can purchase today!

Did you know that one study found that compared to the general population, entrepreneurs were twice as likely to experience depression? That’s nearly six times as likely to have ADHD, and three times as likely to suffer from addiction.

Ignoring your health and wellness as a busy entrepreneur can lead to many health problems such as:

  • Psychological problems

  • Heart disease; the average entrepreneur tends to work over 60% more than 9 to 5 employees

  • Disrupting your circadian rhythm; Studies in both animals and humans indicate that having a healthy, stable circadian rhythm makes us more likely to stay alert, remember more, think better, keep our balance, resist illnesses, and have a regular digestive pattern and get the sleep we need.

It’s time to stop overworking ourselves and put our health and wellness first when running our business before it’s the reason our business fails. Here are 5 entrepreneurial lifestyle tips to build good health and wellness.

  1. Prioritizing Sleep

Did you know that the Sleep Foundation recommends people between the ages of 18-64 years old should get between 7-9 hours of sleep each night? To be honest, running a multiple business you tend to think of sleep as some sort of luxury and not a necessity.

Sleep is so critical to health and wellbeing, but it’s one of the first things to be sacrificed, because busy entrepreneurs feel like there’s never enough time. As mentioned earlier in this post, lack of sleep can also disrupt the circadian rhythm.

Here are some side effects of not getting enough sleep;

  • Slowed thinking

  • Mood swings like anxiety, stress and irritability

  • Lack of energy

  • Poor decision-making skills

And more! Now think about your entrepreneurial lifestyle once you start prioritizing your sleep and turn all those side effects into positive effects.

Here’s some tips on creating a healthy sleep schedule

  • Create an exciting bed-time routine

  • Limit phone interaction- I know it can be hard! Try out some apps that block certain notifications

  • Improve your sleeping environment. Try to get comfortable sheets or an oil diffuser with lavender to help aid in sleep

  • Take supplements like Melatonin to help you naturally fall asleep quicker. I am not a doctor so please do your research

2. Fueling the entrepreneurial mind by prioritizing healthy eating and exercise

Good nutrition leads to a healthier lifestyle and reduces risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer, so focus on fueling your body with a healthy diet filled with natural food. Launching a startup requires high energy, and entrepreneurs can’t let the grueling pace of work get in the way of stopping to eat meals that will fuel their productivity.

  • Avoid highly processed foods

  • Try to continuously move your body for at least an hour a day

  • Avoid too much caffeine

  • Drink more water

  • Stay fueled throughout the day with small snacks

3. Enhancing your mindset

It’s important in business to keep growing your wisdom and knowledge. It’s impossible to do that if you aren’t taking the time to learn new things. Pick up a good book, engage with professionals, connect with like-minded people, join a club. Exercising your mind will help improve your brain health.

You can even download mobile games that can help you improve brain functions that are important to have when running a business. The best thing about enhancing your mindset is that it will boost your creativity. Creativity is hard to learn in entrepreneurship and most are just born with it. 

Here are a few ways to enhance your creative mindset to build a good health and wellness lifestyle;

  • Write poetry

  • Repurpose a product; You can use the objects on your desk, like staplers, folders, tape, pictures and paper, to create a new product. After you’ve finished repurposing a product, you can observe it for uniqueness, ingenuity and practicality. This exercise is especially helpful for developing brainstorming skills.

  • Play around with the Dictionary. There’s a game called the Dictionary Story where you select a word at random from the dictionary. Then, you use the word you chose, the word above it and the word below it to create a short story. Finding a way to create an interesting, cohesive story from seemingly random elements can improve your ability to make connections and combine ideas that don't necessarily relate.

4. Decrease your stress with Meditation

Sometimes you need to shut out the noise and distant yourself to spend time with yourself. Relaxing your mind can have many benefits. There are many apps, like the Calm App, that function as a guided meditation to help you slow down, refresh and spend time with yourself. 

5. Accountability!

None of these tips of living a healthy and wellness entrepreneurial lifestyle will be beneficial if you don’t hold yourself accountable. It’s important to set standards and guidelines for your health and wellness and it doesn’t happen overnight. Start small by building out a routine of 1-2 things you enjoy each day that makes you happy. 

Start using less screen time and drinking more water. Create a comfortable environment that promotes sleep, creativity, and mindfulness. I guarantee you that you will be on a health and wellness lifestyle in no time.

What’s your favorite health and wellness entrepreneurial lifestyle tip?

There are more than 5 tips to promote a healthy and wellness lifestyle, but these are a few of my favorites. Do you own multiple businesses as well? I’d love to hear your thoughts on how you prioritize health and wellness in your entrepreneurial lifestyle. Leave your comments down below!

Need to hop on a quick Business Therapy Call to discuss your options about anything health, wellness, business building or finance? You can book a 15 minute business therapy call here!